
Welcome to The Kindness AEffect a good news show which is all about the inherent goodness that lies within each one of us.


Who is Judy K Martene?

I am Judy Martene your host and producer, and I would love for you to join me as I showcase how kindness shows up in your community and all over the world.




The Kindness AEffect Documentary

The Kindness AEffect documentary is a 6-part show that I produced and hosted as an Indie Documentary Producer.  It airs on Rogers TV and my YouTube Channel.

I encourage you to subscribe to our YouTube Channel so that you don’t miss an episode! For the latest dates of my documentary please go to the Documentary Program page.

The Kindness AEffect Talk Show on Rogers TV

In 2018 I was offered my own talk show by Rogers TV. This exciting new show is going to help me spread kindness around the world.

I will be interviewing people about their acts of kindness and how they are changing the world. My mission is to showcase how acts of kindness are changing the world in a positive way.



Why am I producing and hosting a show about kindness?

Mark Twain said “Kindness is a language that the deaf can hear and the blind can see.”


KINDNESS makes us happier and changes everyones lives. KINDNESS is good for the heart and improves our relationship. It even slows our aging process. So I say lets bring on more kindness.

Scientific research shows that KINDNESS not only makes us feel good, but it offers significant health benefits, physically and mentally. Each show will leave you touched in a heartfelt way to live a life of KINDNESS to others and most of all, first and foremost to yourself.

They say you cannot give from an empty cup. You must fill your cup first and give from the overflow. Each single act of KINDNESS produces a ripple effect which spans the globe.


Your personal invitation to share your story

If you have a story about an act of kindness that has changed your life or someone else then I would like to hear from you. Please send us your story and be featured on a blog or be interviewed by me for my new talk show!


Please watch my two shows

I invite you to watch both THE KINDNESS AEFFECT DOCUMENTARY SHOWS and the NEW THE KINDNESS AEFFECT TV Talk Show in order to see how these extraordinary people continue to change the lives of many people around the world, producing a ripple effect of kindness.