If kindness was the new cryptocurrency what value would it hold? $25,000, $100,000. Or would it have infinite value? Maybe for some it holds no value at all.
In fact kindness is so powerful I believe it can change the world. So kindness has value that far outweighs any material value. Imagine if people exchanged or traded acts of kindness in the world instead of money. Would this change the behaviour of people towards each other? Not necessarily. Kindness could be used to manipulate people.
The Kindness Aeffect is based on the act of unselfishly giving, backed by the true feeling of love. An effect is the action taken to drop the stone in water. An affect is the cause that dropped stone creates in the water. The ripple effect occurs. True, unselfish acts of kindness create the effect of one ripple that becomes the wave of change in the behaviour of people in this world.
What if you had REAL POWER to change the world? Well you do! By performing acts of kindness on a daily basis you can change the world.
The ripple of kindness is an energetic vibration that echoes from one person to another. People talk about raising their vibrations and energy levels by shifting their lives. When you practice kindness it changes your mood and behaviour. This in turn affects the people that come in contact with you. They are either repelled or attracted by the vibrations you are emitting.
You may think you are ordinary, but an act of kindness makes you extraordinary to a person who is in crisis. Kindness can be opening the door for someone or buying a stranger coffee.
Be the blessing in someone else’s life, just by being kind.
Kindness is the most valuable gift you can give the world.