Roger’s TV Talk Show

In 2018 we have started to record our new TV Talk Show on Roger’s TV. It has been an exciting time as we have 15 talk shows scheduled for 2018.

This is what my new TV Studio looks like at Rogers TV.


A big shout out to makeup artist Sharon Christensen and hairstylist Gillian Rouse.


Clean Slate

143 Broadway


Tel:  519.806.1769






The producer placed my IEM which is an inner ear monitor so that I can hear him in the control room.

My first two guests to be interviewed on my Talk Show are Mark Parish and Kimberly van Ryan.







Here is a photo of me taking pictures of the set.

This was a great start to my new TV Talk Show. I only get one take and no re-takes. This is my happy face after recording two shows at the TV Studio.

I hope you enjoy the shows. If you would like to know when the shows will be airing please look at our Program page.

I hope you enjoy the shows!