Kindness is one of our natural resources that doesn’t cost anything, it is in abundant supply. We all have access to the quality of kindness and we can freely hand it out to the world. The only consequence to performing an act of kindness is that it makes us feel good.
So where do we start? It starts deep within our core existence. It starts where our own heart beats. The seed of heartfelt kindness germinates when we take care of our bodies and are mindful of our thoughts and emotions.
I always say that you can never give from an empty cup. You need to fill your own cup and give from the overflow. When you discover your own inner strength and reinforce your self-worth, you will be able to give freely to others.
When we nurture kindness like a fragile seedling and regularly add love, compassion, tenderness and care to it, it nourishes our spirit so that we not only survive in this world. We thrive in it, just like a healthy plant.
I believe that when we practice self-care we flourish as humans and we can then give generously to others. If you feel good about yourself then you will change your perspective on life and how you view other people. Being kind will be a natural state of wellbeing.
So everyday be gentle when your inner voice talks to you. Be kind to your body by eating healthy food and resting when you need to. We only have one body that needs to last a life time. Take care if it.
So lets practice heartfelt kindness first on ourselves. When we overflow with kindness it will naturally seep out into the world and to all living creatures, breathing life back into our wonderful planet. One kind heart beat at a time.